White Suffolk Stud
The Bundara Downs White Suffolk stud was founded in 1993 with the purchase of elite genetics from highly successful studs within Australia. From this a solid foundation, we are producing high quality soundly structured rams that are making a positive impact on the prime lamb industry. To do this we evaluate our stock utilising visual assessments as well as Lambplan, weighing of lambs at birth and weaning, measuring muscle and fat depth at 9 months. The Lambplan data is compared across studs within Australia to give us a comparison of our performance, not just within our stud.

Acquisition of leading sires has enhanced our excellent muscling and growth without restricting our genetic pool, allowing us to produce rams with varied traits to suit different production systems of our clients. In 2011 Bundara Downs joined in the Superwhites group to further increase genetic gain within the stud through access of high performing sires. As of 2012 the whole White Suffolk stud has been DNA tested free of Hypotrichosis with all future progeny being clean of the gene.